Choose from a variety of tile styles: large or small icons, labeled or unlabeled, with or without drop shadows, and in your favorite colors. • Choose Tile Styles… from the Tiles menu in the menu bar to open the Tile Styles window. • Click a style in the window to change all your tiles to that style. • Put a checkmark in the box Show Label Under Mouse if you want a small yellow label to appear when you move the mouse over a tile. The label displays the full name of the tile’s item, which is useful if you choose a textless tile style or if you have tiles with long names. • Put a checkmark in the box Dim Icon for Hidden Applications if you want a tile’s icon to be dimmed when its application is hidden. This option is disabled under Mac OS 8.0 because of a Finder bug. On some systems, it may cause a noticeable slowdown. • Choose colors for your tiles, using the pop-ups on the right side of the Tile Styles window (not shown here).